Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey Coma

Thanksgiving was five days ago and I still feel as if I'm just coming out of my turkey-induced coma.

We spent our holiday in New Jersey with my aunt, cousins and their families and enjoyed delectable food and spectacular company.

Now life goes back to normal. I'm back at my dining room table, coffee in hand, laptop whirring away yet still I don't quite feel as if it's a typical Monday. I feel as if it's special, somehow; as if it's still a holiday.

I'm not worried. Any second now one of the kids is going to start yelling or crying and my peaceful blogging time will be cut off, shattering any illusion that it might still be a holiday. No, I am back on my own with the kids. Time to start laundry, chauffeuring to gymnastics class and restocking a very barren refrigerator.

I hope everyone had a great holiday; I know I did!


Anonymous said...

We are still basking in the glow of a nice holiday weekend as well. It was great to see you all!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had safe travels and a good visit!

Anonymous said...

Hope the trip home was safe and uneventful. I wish you weren't so far away. We loved having you here.