Friday, June 01, 2007

No Blog

I'll be gone today, all day, so no blog. On my agenda? A first grade roller skating field trip and picnic. Instead of blogging I'm upping my caffeine level so I can handle the day.

Have a nice weekend, everyone!


Amy Glorioso May said...

Hi! Thanks for meandering over to my blog and being my first comment on my GIGANTIC post! (It's gotta be a record! Soooo long......sooo many photos!) I love reading your entries and seeing your photos. I am learning a lot; homeschooling is a huge commitment and I admire your dedication!

I, too, had a blast at T's birthday bash. It was great to get together and just let loose a bit! (maybe a bit too much in some conversational respects...yikes!) Hope to see you again soon!

AlexanderTheGreat said...

Um, technically that was a blog.