Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Besty-Tacy and Mary Poppins

Madeleine has been consumed with reading lately. She's like that; she'll catch the bug, read non-stop seemingly for weeks on end, and then hit a lull where she won't pick up a book for a week or two, other than what we're reading together.

Her most recent craze is Besty-Tacy.

Madeleine got the first in this series for Christmas and after polishing it off, cleared off the library's shelf and read three more in the series before deciding she needed a break from Betsy, Tacy and their friend Tib. For young girls, the series is a hit. The two main characters (and later in the series, three) are dear friends who partake in all sorts adventures, some silly, some naughty, and imagine gobs of different fantastic stories. Madeleine says, "they're hil-AR-ious."

After the adventures of her friends on Hill Street, Madeleine decided it was time to read the copy of Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers that she received for her birthday last August. She was in between books and insisting on a trip to the library at an inopportune moment (supper time, I believe) when I suggested that Mary Poppins might be fun to read.

"Oh, Mom, I've already seen the movie."

"Well, remember Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?" I responded. "The book and the movie were completely different. Maybe this will be too."

That piqued her interest and she dove in. She's not finished yet, but judging from the giggles the book is producing, and the covert attempts to read it at bedtime, I'd say it too, is a hit.

There you have it folks; two book series recommendations from a silly, seven-year-old girl for other similarly aged girls. Madeleine promises they'll be well received.

1 comment:

Alexis Jacobs said...

I'll have to file this away for Sam. Great recommendations.