Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Peaceful Day

I came here to post about what a wonderful, peaceful day we are having. Everything that could go right has. The snow is falling gently outside, the kids and I are at home, safely, wrapped in our pajamas, bathrobes and slippers (and this at 11:28 a.m.!) yet we've had an amazingly successful day schooling already: catechism, math, spelling, reading, grammar, Latin, piano, handwriting; whatever was on my to-do list for school today is done.

And yet...

And yet I can't write the joyful post I had intended. When I checked my email moments ago I came across something that changed my mood entirely. I learned that somewhere out there a family I don't even know just lost their son, a newborn baby whose name is the same as my own son. I don't know the family; I don't even really know the family who posted the message from my dear list-serve of Lutheran home-schoolers, but I do know that somewhere out there a family has just lost their new son. And while I am still thankful for the wonderful day we've had and while I know that bad things happen every day in many different ways, I also know that some things touch us different days more than others and, today, this news touched me.

Today I will enjoy the peaceful day we're having, but I'm also reminded to hug my children a bit closer and to remember a grieving family out there-- somewhere-- who needs some extra prayers.


Ang said...

I too will be praying for that family!

Kimmber said...

How sad, prayers for them. I will be giving extra hugs today. :(

Ang said...

It's awesome how God works and brings people together. I had just read your post today about the little baby that had passed away. Like you, my day was going great and then I got word from my daughter that a child at their high school that graduated last year had passed away today of cancer. I will be praying for that family also!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that story....We also need to pray for those families who have loved ones serving overseas.