Monday, March 19, 2007

Manic Monday

Last night we returned home from a weekend spent far, far north of here with family playing, chatting and eating. It's always nice to be home, to sink into my own sheets and lay my head on my own pillow. Yet along with those comforts come the nuisances of returning from a weekend away: extra laundry, physical exhaustion and, this time, boxes of Superdad's childhood toys that we were finally hoodwinked into bringing home. Where oh where am I going put a 4'x4' box of G.I. Joe's?

Highlights from the weekend:

  • my kids really love their cousins and played with them nonstop
  • I really love playing cards and, even more so, winning when I play cards
  • I love a good Brandy Old-Fashioned Sweet. Does this mean I qualify for Social Security?

That's about it. Very uneventful, relaxing weekend. But now it's Monday. The time for relaxation is over.


angieoh! said...

I am a Brandy Old Fashioned Sour girl myself - can't have all that sugar. I think it is an Up North Thing!

I wish I had known you guys were in the Northwoods, I would have kidnapped you for coffee!

(put the G.I. Joes in a shadow box and have Superdad put them up at work!)

MOST with an attitude said...

We just got a ton of Mario's childhood stuff last summer. A 4x4 box? How about a 6x10 box of Tonka trucks, the real metal ones. Argg.. It took FOREVER to find a spot for those in the basement!! Have Fun :)

Anonymous said...

It's Star Wars legos for us. I feel your pain.

Your Up Nort' weekend sounds familiar!

Unknown said...

Those GI Joes are worth a ton! My dh would kill to have those (to play with, not sell! lol).

Glad you had a good weekend, Cait. We've all been sick here, and I still am . . .

Alexis Jacobs said...

Glad you had a nice, relaxing weekend.

Anonymous said...

when you are 65 (or beyond), any liquor, sweet or sour, will do. they (sweet and sour) did quite nicely, too, in younger years. has little to do with social security, except i find there's more time to enjoy a brandy old-fashioned when collecting the government check courtesy of my hardworking and employed children and/or their spouses.

nina said...

Careful! It will only get worse! When I sold the family home, everybody wanted to cling to their childhood toys and paraphernalia (except me -- I'm not a keeper of things). As a result, my ex and I are splitting the monthly cost of a storage space somewhere in the hinterlands -- with all their junk in it. They say that storage spaces are proliferating at a phenomenal rate. I believe it. One of them is indeed ours.

Superdad said...

We brought home the GI Joes becuase - well they're GI Joes; do you really need another reason? Seriously, Hank loves them.

I also downsized the stuff still being stored by two boxes. It has only been ten years since I packed it up; what's the rush?