Monday, February 01, 2010

Birthday Dinner

Since marrying, I have realized not every family celebrates birthdays the way my family has always celebrated birthdays. We have always recognized and celebrated everyone's birthday, whether child or adult. Each birthday honoree gets a meal of their choice, a birthday cake and a dinner dedicated to celebrating their special day. Of course, the more our families expand with marriages and children the greater difficulties our family has synchronizing busy schedules and, so, the more liberties we take with dates and sometimes birthday celebrants are forced to consolidate parties.

Yesterday we celebrated Dad's birthday (actual birthdate: January 21) and Diana's birthday (actual birthdate: February 21).

My sister made the cake...

and Dad and Diana shared blowing out the candles duty.


Anonymous said...

Ain't nobody gonna try an "consolidate" my birthday :(

anon aka dad said...

Then you don't get one.

Bob said...

Precious photo showing Hank ready to dive into that cake! LOLOL