Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

We're one of those families that never makes a big deal about Mother's Day or Father's Day and, as a result, we don't have anything we traditionally do on those days.

Yesterday Chris and Erin invited us to spend Father's Day with them and their four kids taking advantage of the Pioneer Village's open house (read: free) Sunday afternoon about a half an hour north of here.

What a wonderful place! I mentioned we recently visited Old World Wisconsin and Pioneer Village is definitely very similar, though on a much smaller scale. But because it's smaller there are also less people so the kids were able get their hands dirty and do a lot of interesting things, like vote,

grind coffee,

experience a one room school house,

wash clothes,

and make rope.

The kids even took a turn at attempting some old-fashioned games.

And then Chris and Joe decided the kids shouldn't have all the fun, so they warmed up their hoop rolling skills and eventually raced.

Joe took off gang busters, but Chris eventually prevailed.

And, though rarely photographed, the babies were there too. Caroline and Gus spent their time together swapping boogers and illnesses on the grass while everyone else played.

I know yesterday was supposed to be all about fathers, but our whole family had a really fun time.


Elephantschild said...


That game, with the stick and the hoop? We saw little kids playing that ALL THE TIME in Liberia. Except they'd usually use the metal from the inside of a bicycle wheel for the hoop and a piece of rod iron for the stick.

Kids are the same the world over.

Superdad said...

I really could not have asked for a better day.

Erin said...

Great pictures. A great day. Thanks.

I'm holding your blue cake plate and sunglasses hostage.

Cate said...

That was like Old World Wisconsin. It was FUN.